Friday, February 27, 2009 11:16 PM
Let me start with some random pictures
Mum bought these chocolate from airport.
Slack while studying X:
Finally, all the papers are over, WEBP, Maths, JAVA, NETF. At least I can start relaxing abit (:
After paper, went Harbourfront to tender my resignation form, wasn't so successful though, think still need 2 weeks notice. Zzzzz.
Next, Westmall to take a look of my swim suit then dinner.
Guess what? At Jurong East Interchange, we saw some people taking pictures. I was so super curious & kept finding where was the special spot. Finally! Panda:D spotted a rainbow! Ohsmygod! :p So we prepared our cameras & kept shooting.
Train came, &very good, we were so engrossed in the rainbow & we missed a stop- a long journey stop; Bukit Batok to Choa Chu Kang. Sians. Choiceless, we u-turned.
When we've reached Westmall, we saw one queue of people taking shots of rainbow. Having a
closer look, we saw 2 rainbows! 1 clear, 1 faded. OH MY GOD! This is my second time seeing
a rainbow, first time seeing 2 rainbows!
Cooked lunch :D
Yummy-licious. Praised :p
Met up with Jo, Jun, Saman, Jer for dinner. Headed to Westmall, then Harbourfront (:
Dropped by school for club stuffs, then met up with Saman, Jerome, Jo, Jun & Panda:D for basketball. Phew. Since a long time I've exercised. Shiok (:
Returned home, got to know unhappy news, small arguement but shocking news.
I'll just pray hard, I'll. I really hope rainbows do mean something good. Please.
12.30am, Saturday, 28 Feb 09
Labels: Pray from my bottom of my heart
Im tired
Monday, February 23, 2009 5:25 PM
Java (:
Hmmm. I don't think it was an easy paper, maybe cause I din know how to study. Though it was an open book paper, I still struggled.
Beside this, I had to thank weeling, for reminding me today's paper is Java, not NETF. I almost studied NETF O.O
Thank you, weeling ~ x:Ohs well, work hard for the next &last paper, Felicia.
Upcoming paper which I heard so many complains like
"Wahhs, so hard to study. So much to memorise. So many slides. " Howhowhow? Roar! I can't deny but I really envy those courses which don't have written test. Zzzz.
I have to say again -
"I hate Information
Technology! " x/
During the period when revising Java ;
I did something to destress myself :p
A hairstyle I've not tied for a looooong~ time
Done. 废话不多说,I've to mug hard now :D
5.45pm, Monday, 23 Feb 09
You Crave a Blissful Life |
Your dream is to live a light hearted, carefree life. You don't want to be bogged down by stress. You'd like to recapture some of the playfulness and innocence you had as a child.
You believe that life should be about celebrations and fun. The world needs more happiness. You want to focus on the positive and stay optimistic. It's too easy to get depressed. |
Captivating sunset ^^
Labels: Sleepy but sleepless
Roar x/
Thursday, February 19, 2009 9:49 PM
Woooohooooo ! Finally, 1 more paper down-
Mathematics :D
Oh man, it wasn't so easy. Some questions were hard, some I had forgotten the steps. Zzzz.
Well, whats over is over, so yea , look forward -
Networking Fundamentals. Phew. A theory one; something need to be memorised. Mmmm. & I only have like 4 days. Pfffft. & I still need to work on my
Java. Ahhhhhhs.
Please let this scary exam period over fast.
Im tired x/
"Yay, Maths is over" :p
10.03pm, Thursday, 19 Feb o9
What type of women are you?
Labels: Absence
Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:04 PM
14.02.09If you go out of your house, walk on the streets, shopped the mall, you'll definitely see girls dolled themselves up, 1 hand holding a gift, another their boys' hands. In their eyes, you absolutely could see love.
No doubt, I went out with Panda:D. My ever first
Valentine. In the past when I din have a real
Valentine date, I would grumble & envy. Sometimes I'd tell myself
"I should have just stayed at home. Why come out & see so many loving couples? Hmphfs."However, now when I've a date, I would reminiscent the times I went out with my Sisters on
Valentine. Lol. How irony.
So .. how did I celebrate mine from daylight to night time? :D
Vivo City; Visited my workplace first to collect my red packet :p
This is a popular product, okay! x:
Intending to have our late lunch. Gosh. We were starving! However, we wanted to have something delicious. So .. We took a long time before we settle down. By the time we settled down, it was dinnertime.
Buuurrrrppppp! The rice was like a hill. Phew. I couldn't finish it, lucky Panda:D helped x:
After dinner, we decided to chill somewhere before heading to Keppel Bay :D Hence, we walked in Starbucks. Fullhouse ~ Disappointed x/ However, when we were walking out, a couple stood up! YES! : p I felt as if I found an oasis in a desert. Exaggerate ~ :p
Next on, Keppel Bay ! Yes ! I admit I look like a mountain tortoise when I was there. Haas. I was like "Wahhs! You see the light! Ohmygod! There is a dining bar here! See! Got clubhouse! So beautiful!"
Panda:D went "Wahhs, we like suagu lehhs." Lmao.
Hmmm. We wanted to chill at the prive bar at Keppel Bay but all the tables were reserved. Wow. I guess Im really a mountain tortoise. I din know there will be a bar- prive Gastrobar, inside Keppel Bay, yet all the tables were booked. Haas. Im gonna chill there someday! (:
Therefore, we decided to look for other bars &we found Harry's GastroBar-
Ahhhhs. My face turned red, as expected. Good blood circulation, okay! :B
10pm, time to go home, I wanted to watch Guess3. Hees.
Back home;
No Guess3, so we watched late night movies. Channel 8's & Channel U's movie screened had the same storyline- complicated. Haas.
Not forgetting ....
My Valentine's gift! ^^
Lets get back to reality. Happy times will be gone fast. Time for revision & get ready for exams. Pfft. Maths again. This time, I studied alone. Woooots. Dinner- KFC.
Now, I've 2 shows I wanna catch ;

12.50am, Monday, 16 Feb o9

"your valentine,"
Labels: My Valentine