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You don't love a woman
because she is beautiful,
she is beautiful
because you love her

Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:58 PM

Life sucks, until now. Maybe it is because of school , maybe also because everything starts to

Why life sucks?
I've been attending school these few days, obviously. Oh, so hows school!? Hows my new option? Am I happy with it? Hmm. Everything was fine until Lecturers start feeding my brain with codes for programming. Yawns. Why can't I just study theory & not doing flash, website, or what-so-ever. Its like, will all the stuffs I've learnt come useful in the future? I don't even want to have a job which needs programming; no life.

Oh well, time to destress (:

Cuties! X:

Visited Panda:D's elder sister's house yesterday at Pioneer. Executive! OhmyGod. I seriously want an executive in the future! & design it to be like my dreamhouse! Hohohohos. Its so big, so spacious, so .. Wow O.O Eye-opening. Hees.
So what if I can't get a penthouse, an executive is enough though :p
Most importantly, I got to play with Darius! ^^ He is so damn adorable but he gets jealous easily. Lmao.

He is so engrossed in the childrens' songs.
What do you call them again?

As for today, I shan't talk about my last 3 hours lesson- programming nonstop! Pfft. I felt like slamming my laptop onto the wall. Roars!
Anyway, my mood lightened up when I saw how my Junior celebrateed b'day. I could really see the b'day girl almost cried out when she saw the cake & ofcourse, when everybody started singing happy b'day song to her.
I heard that she never had a wonderful b'day before since young, just like me.
My b'day always falls on exam period / holidays, so nobody cares to specially celebrate with me. Hence, I've always wished one day somebody'll actually plan my b'day. However, I never dared to carry high expectations.

Yea, until 1 fine day, this guy planned my b'day & really surprised me. Well, this is how I started to reminisce. How much ups & downs I had been thru .. How many people offered helping hands in my life? How much had I helped people? Have I enjoyed my life all this while? How much I dropped tears for my love ones. How many time that I had been disappointed ..

See, I've lesser things to blog now. I've no life! Ohmytian!
Luckily tomorrow is Labour Day means no school! No school means don't have to carry heavy bag, no holding my laptop, no squeezing train, no waking up early, no facing Lecturers, no eating school's food, no extra lesson .. Yeeeeeepie!
Nevermind, Im going Science Centre on Saturday! Wooohooooos!
I thought I was going alone / just with Panda:D , but now 80 may be joining me, Im happier!
:p :p :p I've got people to go crazy & like WOW! OHMYGOD! AHHHHS! COOOL! x: x: x:

10.30pm, Thursday, 30 April 09




Star Awards
Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:54 PM

I just finished watching Singapore's Stars' Awards, quite an expecting results. Nothing much, just took it as a leisure time with Panda:D & Mummy.
Nevertheless, we had KFC as an accompany. My Gosh. I seriously had a bothersome time calling the delivery hotline, I couldn't stop pressing 6222-6111; countless times. Pfft.
Another problem! When I decided to order online, I din know how! I couldn't find! Grrrr.
Fortunately, it delivered before I my stomach was grumbling ..
Mothers' Day Family Feast ( party of 4 )
I've got a gold ladies bag! ^^


Check out the chicken thigh with much love! :p

Hmmmm. I stayed at home today & it wasn't the most boring day afterall. Why?

Can you imagaine how disgusting it is!? Yawns :o I just left taking pictures. Maybe you won't think it is disgusting yet. Let me elaborate what had happened in the mini toilet of mine. Please be reminded that I had just shitted & I couldn't flushed them down.

I happily flushed the toilet when suddenly the water inside the bowl rose up. Oh my God. It din look good but I din know why I dared to flush again. Thats it ! There goes my toilet x/ When I saw the water flooding out, I knew I was gonna have a wearisome time.
Frankly speaking, this was actually my first time encountering flooded toilet bowl. I was at lost; like a kid who needs her Mummy(who was taking nap -,-). Anyway, I kept the toilet's door closed in case the smell attracted Panda's / my Bro / his girlfriend / worse, my Mum. I was dumb enough by flushing it continously, hoping miracles could happen, but I was damn wrong. All the disgusting bits came flooding out. Puke.
So, I used something to manually push whatever that was stucked but it was useless. I din know why I was so idiotic to use 2 plastic bags as gloves to stuck my hand inside & ....
Oh my f God! I swear I almost puked & fainted. I gave up, I decided to open the door. Firstly, to vadilate some air out & hoping someone would smell it / hear it / feel it / happen to walk past & spare me a helping hand. When I saw my Bro & Panda:D standing outside of the toilet, I felt relieved, finally, somebody is gonna share this pain with me!
However, they only asked what happened & walked off. WHATTTTTTTTT?! I was so ... zzz.
-,- O.O =.= o.o ?.? @#$%^(&^#$%$%%$*&^& !!! ????? :C :C :C :@ :@ :@ Emotions overwhelmed me. I wasn't angry, I was just harhs?! Lol.
So I continued the tough job, I washed the floor first. When I was about to stuck my hand inside the bowl again, my Bro asked me one brilliant question which didn't come across my mind at all !
" Jie, why don't you want to use the plunger? " I felt like hugging my Bro! X: The god damn plunger! Why did not I think of it?!

When I held onto the plunger, I felt like kissing it. Lmao. You know the feeling? Yes I don't have to continue stirring those shit! Yea, that kinda unexplainable feeling ... :p
Luckily, everything was under control when my Mum woke up. Hees. While scrubbing the toilet's floor, there were some comments made.
Me: " Thanks Bro! Why din I think of the plumber?! Imean plunger!"
Mum: "Cause you're stupid" -,-
Me: " Hahas. " & I couldn't stop laughing. What an experience!
Me: " Why din you say earlier then!? & you all din offer help! This toilet is shared, right!? Hmphfs! Nevermind, nobody can use this toilet except me next time! " Roars! :p
Me: "Especially John, stood there & walked back"
John: "Harhs? "
What the .. !!!

Needless to say, took a long bath after the mess. After this, I really understand what is the meaning KIO SAI ( collect shit; helping people to clear rubbish )

The first week have finally past, & soon, second week, third week, assignments' deadline, exams, ... blah blah blah. Heavy sigh x/

11.30pm, Sunday, 26 April 09


"happily ever after"


Clement's b'day party
Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:59 PM

As usual, I give tuition to Lil Xinyi on Saturday. This time round, I reprimanded her x/
Im really worried for her coming examination which is nearing- 14 May. Her results were not consistent .. Sigh. Anyway, hope Lil Xinyi will buck up :D

Panda:D reached my house & I took a short rest.
At around 6pm, set off to meet Jo & Jun to Clement's b'day party at Warren. Wooo ~ 18th b'day party (: I wonder how will mine be like :p
We thought that the buffet was not so bad & the curry was absolutely tasty! Slurp slurp! :X
Aiyarhs, too bad Jun couldn't have a taste of it cause he had an awful sore throat :D

See the height difference! So cute X:

B'day Boy.

After everything, slacked at Lot 1 , played Arcade :D
Din enjoy arcade for a long time ... Had a Double Chocolate at McCafe. Woahs. The aircon seems to have broke down, I was literally sweating inside -,-

Finally, back home. Gonna rest well on Sunday for Monday? Hmmm x:

1.30am, Sunday, 26 April 09

You Are a Doer

You are primarily concerned with what is actual. You tend to be a practical person.

You love to stay busy, and you are always immersed in projects.

You are in touch with your senses, and you enjoy indulging them. You're likely a crafter of some sort.

You crave different sensations in life, whether it's working with your hands, playing sports, or eating your favorite meal.

"jealousy kills"


School is a bore
Friday, April 24, 2009 10:41 PM

"So .. Hows school today?" , this is what everybody is asking me. I can simply answer " School sucks EVERYDAY! "

Maybe because Im still in the holiday mood or Im not used to the new option. Whatever it is .. I know I still have to carry on with this routine- alarm rings, struggle up, brush my teeth with eyes half closed, trying to freshen up myself by bathing, think of what to wear for the day, squeeze in the train to school, climb the hilly slope up the 'hill', ....

1 week of school has past , & how are my modules? Assignment assignments & assignments. Pfft.

How are my lecturers? One look like rebonded hair Albert Einstein
Alright, maybe the young version :D

, another look like a Tiko Pek with accent which sounds like pervert in IRC who cheats lil girls, one more who is a foreigner with a Myanmar accent & he talks like choo choo train. I should say the most presentable Lecturer I've got for this semester is my GEMS Lecturer- a female who look like 钟琴.
Especially her side view. OMG.

Okay, enough of Lecturers, how is my classroom ?
Glad to say this is something Im actually looking forward to. Remember the hotel sample room? Yea, Im waiting, it better be nice, or I'll be disappointed x/

Most importantly, how are my classmates?
Well, I've Weiling & Annelis with me so it is still fine. However, when it comes to my elective module, Im all alone.
& today, I've made friends with 4 ladies as there is an Assignment which needs groupwork ..
Anyway, I look forward working with you, ladies (:
As for the others, I guess we still need some more interaction, & it means MORE time is actually needed :p
Weiling & Annelis (:

It seems that it get worse every year. Booo. Suddenly, I feel that life is so meaningless, so boring, so dumb, so robot; so dead. Im not trying to be emo here, but gosh, I need some happenings in my life!

Maybe I can start by visiting the Science Centre :p

Yea, I've another complain here. It isn't fair for those who showed efforts when those who din really have the experience got an important job. I mean are the others who put in effort before neglected? Yea, everyone of you are busy with something, then what about those who have nothing to do? They see you all get busy, they want to help, but they know they don't have the rights. When you say you don't want to change anything, you better mean it. For now, all I feel that we've drifted apart. Sometimes, I don't see the real friendship. Can you swear that you never gossip this person infront of another & vice versa? Jealousy, envious, anger, justice, can't be bothered anymore. What exactly am I feeling now? Everything is hidden inside, I wanna shout it out loud but I care for this friendship & your feelings, so I swallow everything. If one day Im missing, will any of you realized? Will any of you bother to ask? When you say bff, do you really mean it?

11.10pm, 24 April 09, Friday


"its lonely
without you"


First day of Year 2
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:47 PM

Yesterday, while everybody else were studying, I was sleeping, then woke up at 2.36pm, realizing that I was going to be late for my self cert appointment at 4pm. Anyway, rushed & perspired all the way to school, it was seriously a hot day. Moreover, I was wearing SOAR tee. I still wear it even though I din have school! :p So .. The self cert thing ended at around 5.30pm. I remembered some guy telling me that I had to wait for another 3 hours. Zzzz. Scared the shit our of me -,- Both Panda:D & my stomachs were grumbling already, time for dinner! :D
Train-ed to Lot 1 & decided to catch a movie last minute which was screening at 7.15pm when we bought our tickets at 6.50pm. Ya right, we hadn't had our dinner! Chop chop, we managed to settle everything on time! :D Yeepie!
If you did watch "The Day The Earth Stood Still", I believe you'll enjoy this too.
One thing I like about this movie is that the effects are very cool & realistic.

Slept early, so as to recharge my energy for the next day.

Today, luckily I reached school earlier as it started drizzling when I had stepped out of my house & I had hard time searching for LT17B. I almost climbed up the hill when it was actually near Koufu. Thanks to CADC Lionel, if not Im gonna get lost : p
First time in Lecture Hall, not many people as I expected. Guess what, I was sitting alone thruout the lesson, only me. Im not trying to be unfriendly, but... I see people with friends already. Luckily this Lecture is my elective module, as in not my actual class, my another big class only. Oh well, there'll be a group work, Im dead.

Finally, break time. Im was not elated cause I got to eat, I was ecstatic cause I got to meet somebodies I know for my next lesson, & they're Annelis & Weiling! It is great to have ex classmates as new classmates! :p Anyway, our classroom are so duper cool. Im not allowed to reveal it out, I don't know why, but Im gonna let out bits of it :B
Firstly, behind our classroom is a example of a hotel room, it is not fully renovated yet.
Secondly, our classroom are supposed to be decorated like a hotel restaurant or whatsoever, to make it looks like a presentable hotel.
Thirdly, something which I look forward to learn, its the way to manage a hotel, even the basics like checking in ... :D
Anyway, my new course is called Hospitality & Tourism. However, one thing I hate is programming. Yawns. I thought I could skip that but Lecturer said I'll be disappointed. Boooo.
First day of school always means nothing, we really did nothing. Zzz.

Not forgetting, the pictures I owed for the previous post (:






11.30pm, Tuesday, 21 April 2009

You Are 50% Impulsive

You're quite impulsive, but you never are reckless.

You qualify as a very spontaneous person, but you still know how to honor your commitments.

And while responsibility doesn't come easy to you, having fun does!

Are You Impulsive?

"you add colors to my life"


Maple Story
Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:26 PM

18 April 09

Afternoon - Met up with Jo & Samantha to buy the groceries for steamboat.
Evening - Wendy joined us for preparation at Samantha's house.
Late evening - Steamboat starts & ended at around 7.30pm.
After eating, everybody cleaned up :D

Although it was weekday, late, & there'd be no school the next day, we still want to try our luck to check out all the basketball courts.
Finally, 15 minutes before one the courts lights out, we got to play. Obviously, we weren't satisfied, so we continued playing though there was no more lights, still, we had fun :D
We literally occupied the FULL court! ^^

Ehhs, 11pm .. Cabbed home & chiong-ed Maple with them till 4am. Weeee ~
I din like Maple but I enjoyed every moment playing with them, I can really say (:


Especially playing thruout the night with Panda:D right beside me! Haas, my old laptop & new laptop.

p/s will update the pictures when I've got all of them (:

19 April 09

We had late lunch cause we chiong-ed Maple. Aiyarhs. Next day will be school, I won't have time for Maple so frequently anymore, so .. :D
When I was having this thinking, I received a message informing that tomorrow's lessons are cancelled! Weeee~ Astonished yet ecstatic, I've one more extra hoil-day! X:

Not forgetting ... Today is Chua Ming Shu's b'day !


Hey! Nice quarrelling with you last year! :p

Anyway, after updating these expired photos, I'll carry on with my Maple :p
Camp Chief for F.O Camp
Ottawa's GL for F.O Fusion

Ladies (:

Came across this a train. So cute :p
&I think it is by JOHN Marks x:

11.55pm, Sunday, 19 April 09

"true love never die"


School is reopning
Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:47 PM

14 April 2009

A trip to Sheng Siong to check out the groceries price with Jo & Samantha for an upcoming steamboat :D
We planned to wear black together. Gosh. It was seriously a wrong decision. Hot.
On the way there, I got to see a train. Choo chooo ~ I've not seen this kinda train for a long time :p

Then we continued our shopping ..
Yummy-licious. Tom Yum flavor (:

Joanne & Samantha ^^

"Felicia, download Maple! Lets play together!" Hehs hehs. This is when we sleep 3am, 4am, 5am everyday ....

15 April 2009

While downloading Maple in the middle of the night, my laptop experienced loadsa problems. Maddening problems. I just bought this laptop, & my connectivity had a major problem. It disconnects & connects. Ofcourse, I did seek help by calling the service centre. It did help a little, & I really mean a little as the problem arose again. Not only this, my laptop was infected with numerous virus suddenly. I seriously din know what was the reason, & maybe because of this, I had problem downloading Maple. I took 2 hours to install Maple twice & yet it wasn't successful. Inflamed!
Hence, I decided to take a trip down to the HP Service Centre. Long journey indeed. Bus bus & bus.




The place was nice, there was a predestrian tunnel which looks cool, the queue was fast but ! The maddest part comes, the person was kinda rude in the beginning, but I thought maybe he was tired, so fine. At the end, the whole solution to cure my laptop was to reformat. Oh right. If I give them my laptop, it'd take 3 working days. Must as well bring home & do myself, right? Okay, so he taught me the steps. I mean I could just do it at home & all they had to do is teach me on the phone! I din have to specially go down, right? Pfft. Fine.

So after reformatting for an hour, it was time to download Maple :p Finally, successful (:

16 April 2009

Jo & I wanted a new school bag, so we went town together with Junhao & John ^^


zzzzz. lengthy journey ~ My butt was almost flat seating throughout the journey.
Finally, we settled our lunch at Far East - Chicken rice. Yummy, I love their chilli :D
Then started to hunt for our wants. My shoes & our bags :p
Bought shoes at Far East ! Bought our bags at Heeren ! Weeeee.
Dropped in a candy shop.
Long time no see candy x:

Mini lollipop X: for 40cents.

5.30pm, we decided to take 190 bus home to have KFC for dinner at Lot. Little did we know, we spent almost 2 hours reaching Lot 1. John: "Our butt from rounds become square" & I seriously agree to it x/
KFC KFC KFC. I had eaten 2 piece chicken meal for countless months! :p Satisfactory!

Felicia then returns home to Maple ! :D

10.30pm, Thursday, 16 April 09

You Make a Great First Impression

You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones.

Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly.

Even if you're not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to.

Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic.

You're popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you.

Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression.

"you make me love,
you make me hate"


click to support (:



Obstinate; Recalcitrance
Moving on to 20 on 1009'


linking hearts

bookworms -0.0-
Since 01/01/08

defying affection


hold on
Grace '80 Samantha '80 Lin '80 Cyndee '80
Joanne '80 Yanling '80 Myself '80 Wendy '80

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80 Archimedes CADC '0809 Darwin

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